Quality is Everyone’s Responsibility

Most of the people think that quality is the responsibility of the QA department but in fact it is the responsibility of each and everyone in the company. Quality is not a one time activity but a continuous process. It is not enough if one department or one person is in charge of quality, works towards it.

Usually people get caught up on the input of their work and tend to forget about the user experience. Quality is one of the key components of whether a user will stick around and use the app or not. Desire will always be a large factor and if your app isn’t adequate your users will stop using your app or go to your competitor.

Quality is more than just bugs it is a part of the whole development process from design till launch. It has to become a way of life, only if Quality is inculcated in the daily routine of an employee his or her work output will automatically be accurate and will also be punctual. All we need to do is to guide them properly.