Testing Challenge


Did you ever had a dispute with a developer about testing or a bug? What could be a good way to bring testing a little bit closer to them?

Most developers (especially in the games industry) enjoy a good challenge and they strive to become better at their job every day. Take the chance and surprise your team with a testing challenge to show/improve their testing skills.


There are some good online challenges available so we chose a web testing challenge.

What to do: Identify all the tests required for the mentioned scenario. Based on the data you input in the First Name field the tests will be evaluated.

What not to test for: Different browsers, extremely big requests, “nasty words”, browser zoom in and out. Do not use automation tools. The server will cut access at over 30 requests per second per IP.

Specification: The user has to fill in the required data in order to get access, as a standard user in forum. Only the First Name field can be tested right now. The field has a max length of 30.


Almost everyone in the team participated from developers, product managers and game designers. It was interesting to see how everyone tried to solve the challenge first on its own but when they noticed they don’t get any new ideas to try they paired up and discussed potential test cases in groups. Overall everyone had fun with this challenge and got some new ideas what to consider already during development.
